March, J.G., Krishnan, A., Mantiuk, R.K. & Watt, S.J. (2024). Impact of focus cue presentation on perceived realism of 3-D scene structure: Implications for scene perception and for display technology. Journal of Vision 2024;24(2):13. [Link].
Weber, M., Marshall, A., Timircan, R., McGlone, F., Watt, S. J., Onyekwelu, O., Booth, L., Jesudason, E., Lees, V., & Valyear, K. F. (2023). Touch localization after nerve repair in the hand: insights from a new measurement tool. Journal of Neurophysiology, 130(5), 1126–1141. [Link].
Seminara, L., Dosen, S., Mastrogiovanni, F., Bianchi, M., Watt, S., Beckerle, P., Nanayakkara, T., Drewing, K., Moscatelli, A., Klatzky, R.L. & Loeb, G.E. (2023). A hierarchical sensorimotor control framework for human-in-the-loop robotic hands. Science Robotics, 8, eadd5434 [Link].
March, J., Krishnan, A., Watt,S.J., Wernikowski, M., Gao, H., Yöntem, A. O., & Mantiuk, R.K. (2022). Impact of correct and simulated focus cues on perceived realism. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 Conference Papers (SA '22 Conference Papers). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 22, 1–9. [Link].
Zhong, F., Jindal, A., Yöntem, A. O., Hanji, P., Watt, S.J. & Mantiuk, R.K. (2021). Reproducing Reality with a High-Dynamic-Range Multi-Focal Stereo Display. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 40, 6, Article 241 [Link].
Perini, F., Powell, T., Watt, S.J., & Downing, P.E. (2020). Neural representations of haptic object size in the human brain revealed by multivoxel fMRI patterns. Journal of Neurophysiology, 124: 218–231 [Link].
Seminara, L., Gastaldo, P., Watt, S.J., Valyear, K.F., Zuher, F. & Mastrogiovanni, F. (2019). Active Haptic Perception in Robots: A Review. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 13, 11-20 [Link].
Keefe, B.D., Suray, P. & Watt, S.J. (2019). A margin for error in grasping: hand pre-shaping takes into account task-dependent changes in the probability of errors. Experimental Brain Research, 237, 1063–1075 [Link].
Keefe, B.D. & Watt, S.J. (2017). Viewing geometry determines the contribution of binocular vision to the online control of grasping. Experimental Brain Research, 235, 3631-3643 [Link].
Takahashi, C. & Watt, S.J. (2017). Optimal visual-haptic integration with articulated tools. Experimental Brain Research, 235, 1361-1373 [Link].
John, N.W., Phillips, N.I., ap Cenydd, L., Pop, S.R., Coope, D., Kamaly-Asl, I., de Souza, C. & Watt, S.J. (2017). The Use of Stereoscopy in a Neurosurgery Training Virtual Environment. Presense: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 25, 289-298. [Link]
Takahashi, C. & Watt, S. J. (2014). Visual-haptic integration with pliers and tongs: signal "weights" take account of changes in haptic sensitivity caused by different tools. Frontiers in Psychology 5:109. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00109 [Link]
Miles, H. C., Pop, S. R., Watt, S. J., Lawrence, G. P., John, N. W., Perrot, V., Mallet, P., Mestre, D. R., & Morgan, K. (2014). Efficacy of a Virtual Environment for Training Ball Passing Skills in Rugby. Transactions on Computational Science XXIII, 98-117. [Link]
[Refereed proceedings] Vangorp, P., Mantiuk, R.K., Bazyluk, B., Myszkowski, K., Mantiuk, R., Watt, S.J., Seidel, H. (2014). Depth from HDR: Depth Induction or Increased Realism? Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception, 71-78. [Link]
[Book chapter] Watt, S.J. & MacKenzie, K.J. (2013). 3D Media and the Human Visual System, in F. Dufaux, B. Pesquet-Popescu & M Cagnazzo (Eds), Emerging Technologies for 3D Video, Wiley: Chichester.
[Refereed proceedings] Miles, H. C., Watt, S. J., Lawrence G.P., Pop, S. R., John, N. W., Perrt, V., Mallet. P., & Mestre, D. R. (2013). Investigation of Distance Perception in a Virtual Environment for Rugby Skills Training. Cyberworlds Transactions on Computational Science Conference Proceedings (extended) 56-63.
Banks, M. S., Read, J. C. A, Allison, R. S. & Watt, S. J. (2012). Stereoscopy and the human visual system. SMPTE (Society for Motion Picture & Television Engineers) Motion Imaging Journal, 121(4), 24-43. [Link ]
MacKenzie, K. J., Dickson, R. A., & Watt, S. J. (2012). Vergence and accommodation to multiple-image-plane stereoscopic displays: 'Real world' responses with practical image-plane separations? Journal of Electronic Imaging, 21(1), 011002. doi:10.1117/1.JEI.21.1.011002 [Link]
Miles, H. C., Pop, S. R., Watt, S. J., Lawrence, G. P. & John, N. W. (2012). A review of virtual environments for training in ball sports. Computers and Graphics, 36(6), 714-726. [Link]
[Refereed proceedings] Ryan, L., MacKenzie, K. J., & Watt, S. J. (2012). Multiple-focal-planes 3D displays: a practical solution to the vergence-accomodation conflict. Proceedings of the International Conference on 3D, Liege, 2012 (IEEE). [Link]
[Refereed proceedings] Watt, S. J., MacKenzie, K. J., & Ryan, L. (2012). Real-world stereoscopic performance in multiple-focal-plane displays: How far apart should the image planes be? Proc. SPIE Vol. 8288, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIII, p. 82881E. [Link]
Keefe, B. D., Hibbard, P. B., & Watt, S. J. (2011). Depth-cue integration in grasp programming: No evidence for a binocular specialism. Neuropsychologia, 49, 1246-1257. [Link]
[Refereed proceedings] MacKenzie, K. J., Dickson, R. A. & Watt, S. J. (2011). Vergence and accommodation to multiple-image-plane stereoscopic displays: 'Real world' responses with practical image-plane separations? Proc. SPIE Vol. 7863, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXII, 7863-1 - 7863-11. [Link]
MacKenzie, K. J., Hoffman, D. M., & Watt, S. J. (2010). Accommodation to multiple-focal-planes displays: implications for improving stereoscopic displays, and for accommodation control. Journal of Vision, 10(8):22. [Link]
[Refereed proceedings] Bello, F., Coles, T. R., Gould, D. A., Hughes, C. J., John, N. W., Vidal, F. P., & Watt, S. J. (2010). The Need to Touch Medical Virtual Environments? Workshop of Medical Virtual Environments at IEEE Virtual Reality 2010. [Link]
[Refereed proceedings] MacKenzie, K. J. & Watt, S. J. (2010). Eliminating accommodation-convergence conflicts in stereoscopic displays: multiple-focal-plane displays can elicit continuous and consistent vergence and accommodation responses. Proc. SPIE Vol. 7524: Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXI, 752417-1-752417-10. [Link]
Takahashi, C., Diedrichsen, J., Watt, S. J. (2009). Integration of vision and haptics during tool use. Journal of Vision. 9, 1-15. [Link]
Keefe, B. D., Watt, S. J. (2009). The role of binocular vision in grasping: a small stimulus-set distorts results. Experimental Brain Research. 194, 435-444. [Link]
[Refereed proceedings] MacKenzie, K. J., Watt, S. J. (2009). Near-correct ocular accommodation responses to a 3d display, using multiple image planes and depth filtering. In I. S. Lim, W. Tang (Eds.) Proceedings of Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics. Eurographics.
Watt, S. J., Akeley, K., Ernst, M. O., Banks, M. S. (2005). Focus cues affect perceived depth. Journal of Vision. 5, 834-86. [Link]
[Refereed proceedings] Watt, S. J., Akeley, K., Girshick, A. R., Banks, M. S. (2005). Achieving near-correct focus cues in a 3-D display using multiple image planes. Human Vision and Electronic Imaging X. 10, 393-401. [Link]
Akeley, K., Watt, S. J., Girshick, A. R., Banks, M. S. (2004). A stereo display prototype with multiple focal distances. ACM Transactions on Graphics. 23, I804-813. [Link]
Bradshaw, M. F., Elliott, K. M., Watt, S. J., Hibbard, P. B., Davies, I. R. L., Simpson, P. J. (2004). Binocular cues and the control of prehension. Spatial Vision. 17, 95-110.
Bradshaw, M. F., Watt, S. J., Elliott, K. M., Riddell, P. M. (2004). The effects of a pre-movement delay and prehension in children in middle childhood. Human Movement Science. 23, 771-784. [Link]
Hillis, J. M., Watt, S. J., Landy, M. S., Banks, M. S. (2004). Slant from texture and disparity cues: optimal cue combination Journal of Vision. 4, 967-992. [Link]
Watt, S. J., Bradshaw, M. F. (2003). The visual control of reaching and grasping: binocular disparity and motion parallax. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 29, 404-415. [Link]
Watt, S. J., Bradshaw, M. F., Clarke, T. J., Elliott, K. M. (2003). Binocular vision and prehension in middle childhood. Neuropsychologia. 41, 415-420. [Link]
Bradshaw, M. F., Hibbard, P. B., van der Willigen, R., Watt, S. J., Simpson, P. J. (2002). The stereoscopic anisotropy affects manual pointing. Spatial Vision. 15, 443-458.
Bradshaw, M. F., Watt, S. J. (2002). A dissociation of perception and action in normal human observers: the effect of temporal delay. Neuropsychologia. 40, 1766-1778. [Link]
Watt, S. J., Bradshaw, M. F. (2002). Binocular information in the control of prehensile movements in multiple-object scenes. Spatial Vision. 15, 141-156.
[Refereed proceedings] Bradshaw, M. F., Elliott, K. M., Watt, S. J., Davies, I. R. L., Willis, A. R. (2002). Do observers exploit binocular disparity information in motor tasks within dynamic telepresence environments? Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IX. 4660, 331-342. [Link]
[Refereed proceedings] Davies, I. R. L., Bradshaw, M. F., Hibbard, P. B., Watt, S. J., Stringer, N. S., Willis, A. R. (2001). The station point and binocular telepresence. Contemporary Ergonomics 2001. 517-522.
[Refereed proceedings] Hibbard, P. B., Bradshaw, M. F., Watt, S. J., Davies, I. R. L., Stringer, N. S., Willis, A. R. (2001). Enhanced motion parallax and telepresence. Contemporary Ergonomics 2001. 523-529.
[Refereed proceedings] Watt, S. J., Bradshaw, M. F., Hibbard, P. B., Davies, I. R. L., Stringer, N. S., Willis, A. R. (2001). Can observers exploit enhanced motion parallax to control reaching movements within telepresence environments? Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VI. 4299, 429-438. [Link]
Watt, S. J., Bradshaw, M. F. (2000). Binocular cues are important in controlling the grasp but not the reach in natural prehension movements. Neuropsychologia. 38, 1473-1481. [Link]
Watt, S. J., Bradshaw, M. F., Rushton, S. K. (2000). Field of view affects reaching, not grasping. Experimental Brain Research. 135, 411-416. [Link]
[Refereed proceedings] Bradshaw, M. F., Hibbard, P. B., van der Willigen, R., Watt, S. J., Davies, I. R. L., Stringer, N. S., Beagley, A., Willis, A. (2000). Can observers exploit enhanced-disparity information to control reaching movements within telepresence environments? Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VII. 3957, 253-261. [Link]
[Refereed proceedings] Watt, S. J., Bradshaw, M. F., Hibbard, P. B., van der Willigen, R. (1999). Binocular disparity and scene-based pictorial cues aid the control of reaching. Studies in Perception and Action V. 126-140. [Link]
Sowden, P.T., Watt, S. J. (1998). A Jittered Squares illusion and a proposed mechanism. Perception. 27, 439-454. [Link]
[Refereed proceedings] Sowden, P. T., Davies, I. R. L., Roling, P., & Watt, S. J., (1997). Acquiring skill at medical image inspection: learning localised in early visual processes. Proc. SPIE Vol. 3036, 273-280. [Link]